Terms & Conditions

NESTR Naturestays Private Limited and Homestay Owners

This Agreement is between NESTR NATURESTAYS PRIVATE LIMITED, referred to as "Company”, WEBSITE & APPLICATION used for Booking purpose, referred to as “Platform”, HOMESTAY OWNER referred to as the "Host " and CUSTOMERS, referred to as the “Guest”.

This Agreement will be valid subject to the Host submitting the Identification documents as may be required by the Platform prior to the signing of the Agreement, and from time to time.

  1. Most Important Points:

    • The Host agrees the Payout Ratio Structure of 75% : 25% (Host : Company) on the Total Value of each Booking with the Company.

    • Hosts Actual Homestay Name will not feature in the Platform. A unique ID will get generated for every Onboard Homestay. Anyone coming to the Platform will see those Unique ID instead of Homestay Name.

    • Guest will get details of Homestay Name, Contact Number, Address, E-Mail ID and other required information after Booking confirmation only.

    • The Host agrees not to upload any Picture with Homestay Name, Address Details, Phone Number, E-Mail ID and Map Location in the Platform.

    • The Host agrees not to upload any kind of obscene, illegal, religious or political text & image.

    • These will be checked regularly during Host approval process and in regular Audit Process.

    • In case of such incidents, Company will delete such pictures & texts from the Platform. Repetition of such incidents by the Host may lead to suspension or even termination of Homestay Account.

  2. Listing and Registration:

    • The Host agrees to provide accurate and complete information while registering on the Platform.

    • The Platform will list the Homestay on its website or application, based on the information provided by the Host.

  3. Booking:

    • Rooms which are not Blocked by the Host will be treated as Available Room and the Guest can book required rooms from Available Rooms shown in the Platform.

    • The Host agrees to honor all bookings made through the Platform promptly.

    • The Platform will confirm bookings and provide necessary details to both the Host and the Guest.

    • Platform would be rendering services as a facilitator arranging accommodation services between the Host and the Guest.

  4. Confirmation:

    • Once a booking has been confirmed to the Guest booking through Platform pursuant to this Agreement, the Host will honor the reservations without fail.

    • In the extreme cases, the Host will provide the Guest with an alternate accommodation in same or higher category Homestay in the same or nearest locality at NO Extra Cost.

  5. Pricing:

    • The Host has the authority to set the tariff for their Homestay and can change it time to time.

    • Tariff mentioned by the Host will be Per Head Per Day Stay with Food Tariff.

    • Platform will collect either 25% of Total Bill Amount as Advance or 100% of Total Bill Amount as Full Payment from Guest depending upon the Guest payment preference.

  6. Payments:

    • The Platform will collect full / partial payment from the respective Guest and transfer the relevant amount to the Host after deducting applicable Fees, Charges and Taxes.

    • In case Guest is paying 25% of Total Bill Amount as Advance during Booking, then remaining 75% Amount will be collected by the Host during Check in / Check out from the respective Guest.

    • In case Guest is paying 100% of Total Bill Amount as Full Payment, then Company will process the remaining 75% Amount via Online Transfer to the Host after respective Guest Check out.

    • Eligible Payout will be processed within 7 working days of Check out Date via Online Payment Transfer and in the Bank Account mentioned by the Host in their Application.

  7. Cancellation Policy:

    • The Host agrees to adhere to the cancellation policy specified during registration.

    • The Platform will enforce the cancellation policy and communicate any changes to both the Host and Guest.

    • If any Guest is cancelling his Booking 30 Days before Check in Date, then Company will provide him 2 options.

      1. Free Date shift in the same Homestay as per Guest preference in any Available Date

      2. Non refund of Advance amount. Nonrefundable amount will be divided between Host and Company after deducting applicable Fees, Charges & Taxes in 75% : 25% Ratio as refund.

      3. Company will process eligible amount within 7 working days of Cancellation.

    • In any circumstances, if the Guest is neither cancelling his Booking nor doing Check in on respective date, then “Booking Cancellation 30 Days before Check in Date” rules will be applicable.

  8. Quality Standards:

    • The Host agrees to maintain a standard of cleanliness and safety consistent with local regulations.

    • The Platform reserves the right to remove listings that do not meet quality standards.

    • The Host shall provide services to the Guest booking through Platform as per best industry practice.

  9. Communication:

    • The Host agrees to respond promptly to booking inquiries and messages from the Platform.

    • The Platform will facilitate communication between the Host and Guest as needed.

  10. Guest Verification:

    • The Host will follow the Guest Identity Verification protocol as per Government Regulations.

    • Rules and Regulations of individual Homestay can be performed by the respective Host.

  11. Reviews and Ratings:

    • The Guest will provide reviews and ratings about Host after completion of a stay.

    • The Platform will keep scrutinizing reviews and ratings to ensure best experience for Guest.

  12. Liability:

    • The Host is responsible for the safety and well-being of the Guest during their stay.

    • The Platform will not be held liable for any damages or incidents that occur during the Homestay.

  13. Marketing and Promotion:

    • The Platform has the right to use images and information provided by the Host for marketing purposes.

    • The Host may request the removal of specific content with a valid reason.

  14. Termination:

    • Either party may terminate this Agreement with written notice.

    • The Platform may suspend or terminate the Host's account for violation of terms or misconduct.

  15. Data Protection:

    • The Platform will handle Host and Guest data in compliance with applicable data protection laws.

    • The Host agrees not to use guest information for any purpose other than facilitating the stay.

  16. Force Majeure:

    • Neither party will be held liable for delays or failures in performance due to circumstances beyond their control.

  17. Governing Law:

    • Disputes will be resolved through negotiation and, if necessary, mediation.

    • This Agreement is governed by the laws of India and Parties agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of courts of Kolkata, India.

  18. Amendments:

    • Changes to this Agreement must be in writing and agreed upon by both parties.

    • The Platform may update its terms and conditions, and the Host will be notified of any changes.

  19. Confidentiality:

    • Both parties agree not to disclose confidential information obtained during the course of this Agreement.

    • Confidential information includes, is not limited to, proprietary business strategies & customer data.

  20. Taxes:

    • The tax collected by the Platform as part of the charges from the Guest shall be remitted to the Government.

    • The Host shall not be eligible to collect any GST from the Guest.

    • Both Platform and Host would be responsible for their own tax assessments, audits, etc.